Islet of Comino, only 2 sq. kms in area, lies between northern Malta
and southern Gozo. The islet is generally hilly with limestone cliffs
at most of its coast. Centuries ago Comino was a perfect hiding-place
for Barbary Corsa irs,
from which point they could easily raid nearby Gozo and Malta. The islet
had no proper defences, except for the tower erected by the Knights
in 1618, in the central area.
corsair attacks ceased many years ago, and Comino has now a more peaceful
role to play. The islet, which depends on Gozo, has only three 'full-time'
inhabitants. Comino is above all a pleasant vacation site. Two modern
hotels provide all amenities to their guests.
are no other such establishments, and unless visitors stay at these
hotels, they should provide for their own meals and for protection from
the sun's rays. There are no roads - only pathways - and cars are not
allowed. However, these drawbacks are compensated for by the beauty
of the rugged coastline and the splendid waters around it.
MARIA BAY is a tiny sandy beach. It is used as a landing stage for passenger
boats. A little church and a police station stand in the little square
close by. The bay is a popular bathing place for families with small
NICHOLAS BAY is another small sandy beach partly used as a concession
by the modern hotel standing on its shore. The hotel boat berths at
a landing post in the bay.
glory of Comino, however, is the BLUE LAGOON - a narrow channel separating
Comino from its sister islet of Cominotto. Here the water is fresh and
crystal clear. The white blanket of sand at the bottom turns the deep
blue water into a light turquoise hue. Bathing in these limpid waters
is a stimulating experience which is hard to match anywhere else on
these islands.
and snorkelling are very popular in Comino's waters, where the sea fauna
and the unspoilt water are particularly adequate for such sport. Regular
return boat-trips are held from Cirkewwa in Malta, and from Mgarr in
Gozo between mid-March and mid-November.
Text courtesy of the National Tourism Organisation - Malta.